14 Temmuz 2013 Pazar

Witch Doctor Tank Build

Witch Doctor Tank Build by Completeli. (Note: This build isn't for inferno.)

The build:

A lot of individuals are speech poison dart with splinters is a lot of injury... and it's simply not. Not even single target will it compare, At low weapon levels it's robust however if you are not exploitation spiders (every character is helpful for distinction situations) you are not taking advantage of your ability to multiply low share proc possibilities to obscene levels.

2.6% likelihood to freeze/stun/blind/fear/etc via half-dozen casks of four spiders simply became ~50%
chance to manage one or ten or twenty monsters to death. And with tanking this primarily will increase
your mitigation even a lot of.

10-300 life gained on hit - the number of healing you are doing with simply ten health on hit through twenty four spiders is sort of ridiculous. I expect serious nerfs to spiders only for these 2 things.

Locust swarm: I had to try to to plenty of experimenting to urge to the current purpose. Dire cracked was simply sooooooo preposterously sensible...I thought. This spell combined with Jungle courageousness and unhealthy drugs primarily gave you five hundredth immunity to all or any injury to everything you'll be able to see and equilibrise the screen. the speed this spreads through 30-40 monsters is insane. one forged with thirty monsters encompassing you only outdamaged 2-3 mana bars of Dire Bat spam.

Spirit Walk: With Spirit vessel offers you the bottom cooldown final defense spell within the game, Even beating Monk Serenity spell. to not mention you regain twenty first of your most health each 13seconds. And if accidentally it isn't enough, Spirit Vessel can pop it for you freed from charge and cooldown each ninety seconds (which is sort of not possible to wish even that fast).

Soul Harvest: Another big heal that Illusion esoteric injury something mobs can have you ever riant with the 9-12k heals you pop off each fifteen seconds.

Hex: virtually everything within the game is sheeped up. There square measure solely many bosses that may dodge the bullet. The heal is simply icing on the cake, and a lot of helpful than just about each different character.

Acid Cloud: With body bomb character is your swap with Hex once would like be. And fills your would like for vast injury once you would like it. i buy up to eighteen,000 crits with this. No cooldown suggests that you'll be able to spam 4-5 instantly and do 90k injury in an exceedingly moment, all the whereas you've got your widow-maker spiders to urge your mana back full for consecutive spherical of ridiculous injury.

The Gargantuan: The one summon that ne'er falls off. It's sensible once you comprehend and it's even higher late. the bull is even a lot of disable you'll be able to cash in of. the random stuns he throws out mixed with the just about nonstop disable from your spider procs causes you to take such an occasional % of attacks.

All those spells mixed with:
22% dodge
26% block

...is why we tend to square measure the tankiest of all characters.

And with the burst from acid cloud will still make bigger big mobs once would like be.

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