14 Temmuz 2013 Pazar

Witch Doctor Spirit Barrage Build

Here could be a Spirit Barrage magician Build:
Submitted by: Unknown


Currently A level forty one WD in Act two Nightmare.. Havent died once and once I have determined to play with others..

I'm usually the very best harm output.

Spirit Barrage is much from useless, in my build ^ its my best sort of Single Target DPS with my High Hit thus far being a crit of four.2k.

On spirit walk.. I dont use it.. with a runed eightieth Speed Reduction Grasp.. monsters don't reach ME.. and within the crazy probability that they are doing.. In my build.. you'll have Haunt running healing any harm you're taking and Locus doing identical if you have got a printed Life Conversion weapon. In extreme things, you drop a Harvest which supplies you a large amount of health with its horsepower graphic symbol and you are golden.

Believe I sit somewhere at 1300+ Character listed harm absolutely buffed with my current started.

The one issue you'll need with my build is Mana.. you cant spam AoE such as you would with different skills.. however you actually dont would like it. Against teams (In teams, AkA Multiplayer) a Grasp > Locus > x1 Haunt is usually enough DPS for the remainder of your guys to scrub up safely while not you superficial sort of a burden quite a profit and against Bosses, your passives / runes provide you with enough come back mana to stay a barrage going out at a relentless rate. (And thats while not serious +Mana regen gear [On my current gear at least])

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