13 Temmuz 2013 Cumartesi

Barbarian Hammer of the Ancients (HotA) Guide

Diablo III Complete Barbarian Hammer of the people (HotA) Guide submitted by silver.

Okay, it's obvious we want one in all these. i do not have the patience to place everything i would wish to in here in one go, therefore take into account it a WIP.

Q: What precisely is that the HotA build?
A: this is often too difficult to answer while not a post of its own. (See below) I conjointly extremely recommend observance some or all of the videos coupled to, particularly if you'd rather skip reading the main points.

Q: i am a DTWW barb, am i able to use HotA?
A: chances are high that you'll get by fine along with your current build and equipment. There area unit many variations of WW/HotA hybrid builds that work terribly effectively. the best thanks to work it in is to switch either war cry or OP:KS with it, and leave a fury generator. merely use HotA against rare elites, goblins, and annoying kiting elites and leave your playstyle unchanged otherwise. If you are conversant in running while not a fury generator, you'll use hybrids exploitation OP:KS or pull that area unit lined within the following post.

Q: What form of gear works best with HotA? Do I actually have to use a Skorn?
A: having the ability to face within the thick of things and HotA mobs down while not the movement that is typical of DTWW needs high defenses. Stack resistances and power unit as heavily as you'll among your budget. it'll offer you rather more build flexibility. As so much as weapons go, HotA alternates injury between the mainhand and offhand, therefore low-DPS stat sticks that area unit typical for DTWW area unit undesirable. the upper the injury of each of your weapons, the better. Skorn may be a common selection as a result of it provides you tremendous injury while not having to fret concerning leveling injury ranges. it's by no means that necessary. Dual-wield setups is a minimum of as powerful if done properly. vital hit likelihood is very vital, and to the next degree than it's with DTWW. vital hit injury is additionally vital as a properly engineered HotA barb are going to be landing crits near 100 percent of the time.

Guide continued  once the page break..

Some posts on twin wield versus Skorn later within the thread:

Q: what proportion HotA resource value reduction do i would like, if any?
A: the solution to the current depends heavily on the build you decide on. The accord amongst most knowledgeable about HotA barbs is that none is important if you utilize a build that comes with a fury generator like bash or manic disorder, and lots argue that reduction makes keeping WotB more durable. On identical token, if you would like to use a build while not a fury generator, like a WW/HotA hybrid, i might suggest a value reduction of four, and five on high budgets.
A thread discussing it:
KillerElite goes into any depth two posts below.

Q: will HotA have breakpoints?
A: Yes, see below. In general, they match up fairly closely with sprint/ww ones, and there area unit additional obtainable. attempt to ensure that you just don't seem to be barely below one once buffed with WotB. apart from that, do not stress over them an excessive amount of.

Q: i need to use a DTWW/HotA hybrid with my Skorn. what proportion attack speed do I need?
A: Most people advocate reaching the seventeen tick breakpoint, which needs one.67 APS once buffed with Wrath of the Scandinavian. With a non-IAS Skorn, this needs forty second IAS from gear. Nubtro suggests forty third just in case you drop wrath of the Scandinavian, as there's a breakpoint at one.43 APS. With AN 11 November IAS Skorn, solely twenty sixth IAS from gear is important to achieve identical breakpoint. The eighteen tick breakpoint is considerably power tool. this needs one.82 APS buffed, however it's counseled to conjointly hit the one.83 APS breakpoint for HotA if you are going this route. With a non-IAS Skorn, this needs fifty eight IAS from gear, or 7 slots. do not try this while not a really massive budget. With AN 11 November IAS Skorn, this breakpoint needs four-hundredth IAS from gear.

Q: that character of HotA ought to I use?
A: the foremost common possibility is Smash as a result of its high proc constant and injury output. It synergizes well for twin wield barbs United Nations agency use DTWW for his or her AoE injury. once counting on HotA for AoE injury, alternative runes is preferred, as Smash reduces its effective space. Thunderstrike is my favorite, because it stuns mobs simply and consequently makes fury generation simple. Rolling thunder incorporates a low proc constant, however has the very best space of result. All three of those runes area unit value thought if you would like for HotA to be your primary supply of injury.

Proc Coefficients
None: .67
Rolling Thunder: .40
Smash: .80
The Devil's Anvil: .08
Thunderstrike: .67
Birthright: .67

Note: as of currently it's not absolutely established however the animation lengths work with twin wielded weapons of various speeds. The table below assumes one weapon or equal speeds for each. massive because of Nubtro.

#Frames Breakpoint
56 1.008928571
55 1.027272727
54 1.046296296
53 1.066037736
52 1.086538462
51 1.107843137
50 1.13
49 1.153061224
48 1.177083333
47 1.20212766
46 1.22826087
45 1.255555556
44 1.284090909
43 1.313953488
42 1.345238095
41 1.37804878
40 1.4125
39 1.448717949
38 1.486842105
37 1.527027027
36 1.569444444
35 1.614285714
34 1.661764706
33 1.712121212
32 1.765625
31 1.822580645
30 1.883333333
29 1.948275862
28 2.017857143
27 2.092592593
26 2.173076923
25 2.26
24 2.354166667
23 2.456521739
22 2.568181818
21 2.69047619
20 2.825
19 2.973684211
18 3.138888889
17 3.323529412

HotA Builds

Most effective farming builds can use sprint/wotb:toc/br:itf. that does not amendment for HotA. Even while not ww, it's doable to perma-wrath through HotA and bash.

This is a basic build that ought to be fairly simple to use for a beginner and doesn't have gear requirements:


Thunderstrike typically makes things easier by permitting you to get fury off of a bigger quantity of mobs, and beautiful them to create them less dangerous. One may swap this for Smash for higher single target injury. superstitious notion is each a wonderful supply of fury, and provides wonderful survivability. you will notice that there's not abundant space within the ability bar for war cry. the mixture of rend:blood lust and superstitious notion ought to encourage give higher defenses than war cry and far higher offense. once you are running dry on fury, hit bash:instigation to high your globe off. RLTW tornadoes facilitate with fury generation.

The following may be a build that gives higher injury output and faster movement, however has tougher fury management:


Sprint:marathon provides higher movement speed than rltw. You no long have the fury gain from sprint tornadoes, instead ought to move quickly from pack to pack, smashing and bashing as you visit keep fury high. scrapper typically provides the very best injury output for a 3rd passive for HotA/rend builds, as trash mobs tend to clump up around you. Bash:punish provides another massive supply of injury. it is common to use a build like this, however with run just like the wind rather than marathon. These runes is adjusted consistent with your personal preference and equipment.

Videos of "pure" HotA/rend builds:
Jim's with high-end gear (IAS Skorn): http://youtu.be/Z_Ul4X2aSCs
Silverfire's with top-end gear (dual wield): http://youtu.be/6P9tfgvplBk
Det0x's with top-end gear (dual wield): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC1lwk-lQOU
Death's with high-end gear (Skorn): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCkmpafmT-0
Corgon's with 10m geared (dual wield): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mifOEygNAY

Det0x's essence farming build:

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRtuIZwkhjs

Rend is swapped out for the accessorial quality of leap: death from higher than for accessorial quality. having the ability to try and do this needs sturdy gear. He skips trash mobs with the intent of farming essences solely.

MannerCookie's ruthless Assault build:

The following 2 builds from 2 of the simplest HotA barbs out there use the rolling thunder character.

BangkokCanuk's low MP non-WotB xp farming build:

Det0X's HotA farming build:
Be aware that this build needs top-end gear to execute properly
Build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#aZURcP!YZg!babYZc
Discussion: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/7923032654#1
Video: http://youtu.be/VkbZKwJSq0U

WW/HotA Hybrids
They're changing into all the fad lately, and permanently reason. DTWW provides the very best consistent AoE injury obtainable to the barbarian category, and HotA the very best single target injury. i might advocate exploitation HotA reduction (idealy four or 5) once exploitation such builds, as they often come back while not a fury generator. exploitation these builds effectively with a Skorn typically takes high-end gear. It's easier with dual-wielding, however the everyday DTWW jazz band of AN reverberant  fury mainhand and low DPS stat stick off-hand is way from best for HotA injury. AN off-hand with the very best injury and crit injury doable edges HotA considerably, and that they are not low cost. regardless of what the weapon jazz band, you would like to be comfy with employing a fury generator-less build, and your gear has to be ok to require social control to get fury whereas obtaining started. Consequently, these builds area unit additional advanced in technique and equipment necessities, however I extremely advocate gears towards them and exploitation them.

The following area unit samples of terribly powerful hybrid specs.


DAKKON's Videos:

Silverfire's videos:
http://youtu.be/cQJFFXHR99E (HotA:Smash)
http://youtu.be/bK_ggrEfM9I (HotA:thunderstrike)


Death's DTWW/Rend/HotA build:

Death's videos:

Silverfire's videos:
Video: http://youtu.be/r5nuMdbjp8A

More videos with high-end gear:
Skorn video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cf7om8d_aPo
DW video: http://youtu.be/ci_qcDHT9N0


DAKKON's variation needs higher defenses (or DPS for lifesteal) on your gear, because it does not offer you the luxurious of healing through pull. Death's variation needs higher vital hit likelihood and fury management to figure with success, that is why I used a mighty weapon and 5-piece IK to duplicate it on a budget.

DW HOTA and 2h HOTA have identical tDPS given identical profile dps. 2h has the advantage of abundant higher pull injury since it's based mostly within the injury vary of your MH weapon. DW hit's abundant quicker and returns additional fury creating WOTB easier to stay up once addressing fewer targets.

To maximize fury gains and tDPS, you ought to aim for a totally buffed HOTA tDPS of 100 percent. you would like each HOTA to crit since solely crits can come fifteen fury from into the fray supported the eightieth proc rate of HOTA Smash. you furthermore may wish each HOTA to crit for the plain DPS it provides over a non vital hit. this could be achieved while not an excessive amount of issue if you utilize the correct skills and have enough CC from gear. as an example, if you have got thirty fifth from gear add 15 August 1945 from passives + five-hitter beginning amount+3% from battlerage + 100 percent from WOTB + 100 percent from OPKS, you'll have a complete of seventy eight. every five fury in your globe provides AN addtional one hundred and twenty fifth therefore a globe with one hundred fifteen total fury can offer a further twenty third if you simply use HOTA once your globe is full.

HOTA reduction is a crucial range to calculate, IMO. This reduction goes to see what proportion fury you're able to earn while not spamming fury burning skills like sprint or battlerage. I actually have a complete APS of two.76 with HOTA. This range is from d3rawr.com and appears to be the common of my 2 weapons. At 2.76 APS, With my -5 SOJ, i will be able to burn forty one fury per second. that's fifteen x two.76 = 41.4. As long as I earn quite twenty five fury per second, my WOTB timer can keep obtaining time accessorial. The additional fury I earn the quicker my timer can reset.

A 2H weapon can have identical calculation however since you hit abundant slower, you'll burn less fury and -HOTA reduction is a nasty issue. Assume you have got a HOTA APS of one.5 and a -5 ring. you'll solely burn twenty two.5 fury per second which suggests you'll forever lag behind the twenty five fury you would like to feature one second to WOTB. you'll ought to begin exploitation fury burning skills in order that you'll use quite the twenty five you would like to begin resetting the timer. Since your HOTA CC depends on having a full globe once you use it, if {you begin|you begin} burning fury {you can|you'll|you may} ne'er have a full globe once you visit use HOTA and your issues will start combination. IMO, you ought to burn a minimum of twenty five fury per second whereas exploitation HOTA. As AN example, with 1.5 APS you would like no quite -3 HOTA which suggests you'll burn twenty seven fury per second. If you would like to use a - five SOJ then you would like to possess a minimum of seventy two IAS with a 1APS 2h weapon. this can end in one.72 x fifteen = twenty five.8 fury burned per second.

Earning fury is another set of calculations. For ninety nine of your run you'll most likely be striking multiple targets and taking injury. Taking injury returns fury however the number depends on the MP level and therefore the form of injury still because the monster that's inflicting the injury. I actually have not seen any charts that detail this. this is often merely my observation.

Once you work out what proportion fury you're burning, you'll take a glance at the worst case state of affairs scenario and every one alternative fury gains are going to be easier. Worst case state of affairs being a frozen uber. Use my profile as AN example, again. With 2.76 APS and a -5 SOJ, i will be able to burn forty one fury per second. If i'm striking one target, and forward I actually have 100 percent HOTA CC, i'm solely aiming to earn on the average twelve fury. fifteen from into the fray x eightieth proc rate of smash. that provides Maine a complete earned  of thirty three.12. I may use alternative skills like animus for an additional two hundredth and therefore the Knight Templar with resource regen for an additional 8 May 1945. this could bring my total to forty two fury gained per swing. this is often enough to perma spam HOTA and continually keep my WOTB timer at zero.

Of course, that may seldom happen. differently to realize the additional fury to perma spam on one target is to DW with a mightyweapon. because of @Jim for inform that get into another thread. the additional three fury per swing will end in a fury surplus. you'll lose 100 percent CC from your passive which is able to probably cause another issues however if you gear for it then you'll be ok. Another good way to earn fury that i feel @MiSo noted was to use superstitious notion. whereas tanking elites you're absolute to be taking some elemental injury and therefore the fury gains from superstitious notion can keep you full.

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