13 Temmuz 2013 Cumartesi

Demon Hunter Build

Demon Hunter Build submitted by igdub.

The build: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/demon-hunter#aeYdkg!YeX!YacZcY

Build Description:

I'm at half-hour crit with caltrops thus my discipline gathers rather quick and i am merchandising it with shadow power for survivability. it is a miraclesaver from several things once activated quickly.

While leveling, i might extremely recommed rain of vengenace with stampede, it's superb.

Same with caltrops however with another grapheme, eightieth slow / immobilize looking on your preference.

The third should (in my opinion) is twin chakrams, that ability is simply blatantly OP.

The other 2 square measure rather nonobligatory, I've invariably been an enormous fan of vault however avoid combining too several discipline hoggers.

A Few Notes:

1) the most skills were while not a doubt vault, caltrips (later twin), hungering arrow. Rest was stuff that works around it. All of these ought to be available rather early.

2) traditional was 100 percent solo, and that i ne'er had to farm. solely factor that changes with loot was how briskly the mobs died, they're very easy to kite if there is a would like for it.

3) Glass cannon works fine since monsters typically hit for ridiculous amounts of harm thus you cannot tank them anyway and whereas dex = dmg, it conjointly grants ME thirty third dodge (at ~1300 dex) and dodge works on virtually everything (aoe spells and such). +shadow power with sixty fifth reduction is useful, activates instantly if you see one thing you cannot avoid.

Templar was a good tank/healer at traditional on behalf of me, he extremely unbroken my health up if I got hit whereas kiting. I conjointly soloed nm act one and a little of act two, it went swimmingly.

All you've got to urge accustomed is kiting then you are going to try to to nice. Some monsters try and disrupt it however e.g. vortex monsters seldom hit you before you'll vault away.

Inferno mobs seriously hit onerous, everything that is larger than a spider sometimes oneshots ME. this can be injury that happens on a 4man game. all the same, i do not get hit that usually and that i will survive hits from the weakest enemies, that {are|ar|area unit|square MEasure} those {that usually|that thusmetimes|that typically} may get near me so no downside there :)

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